
DAY 01 (Wednesday, November 16th, 2022)

15:00 – 18:00 Registration at Adonis Hotel, 55 Quang Trung, Nguyen Du, Hai Ba Trung, Ha Noi
18:00 – 21:00 Welcome Reception (for invited speakers)


DAY 02 (Thursday, November 17th, 2022)

8:00 – 8:25 Registration at Adonis Hotel, 55 Quang Trung, Nguyen Du, Hai Ba Trung, Ha Noi
8:25 – 8:30 Opening President of HUST

Room: VENUS 2

8:30 – 8:45 Introduction about AUN/SEED-Net: Ms. Kultira Tangtatswas
8:45 PLENARY SECTION 01:  Chairs: Prof. Nguyen Duc Chien; Prof. Dojin Kim
8:45 – 9:25 Keynote Speaker 1: Prof. Kengo Shimanoe

Design of MEMS-Type Gas Sensors Using Metal Oxide Semiconductor for ppt Detection

9:25 – 10:05 Keynote Speaker 2: Prof. Soon-Gil Yoon

Transfer-free n- and p-channel graphene field-effect transistors using graphene grown directly via plasma-assisted thermal CVD at 100 °C

10:05 – 10:30 Coffee break (Conference corridor)
10:30 – 12:00 A – Advanced materials and functional devices.

Chairs: Prof. Le Quoc Minh & Prof. Soon-Gil Yoon

D– Photonics and semiconductor nanophysics

Chairs: Prof. Seulki Song & Prof. Tran Ngoc Khiem

C– Micro and nanotechnology and applications

Chairs: Prof. Nguyen Van Duy & Prof. Inkyu Park

10:30 – 10:55 Mechanical and biological properties of the composites containing graphene flakes obtained from mineral graphite.

 I43 – Prof. Paweł Głuchowski

Towards next-generation micro-LED displays using Eu-doped GaN

I150 – Prof. Yasufumi Fujiwara

The chemical sensitivity of hybrid porphyrin materials

I72 – Prof. Corrado Di Natale (online)

10:55 – 11:20 Multi-broad-band metamaterial perfect absorbers based on the graphene-conductive inks

I214 – Prof. Vu Dinh Lam

GaN based (quasi-) 1D nanorod photonic resonators

I127 – Prof. Dolf Timmerman

Structural evolution and electronic structure of ethylenediamine intercalated transition metal dichalcogenides

I206 – Prof. Yeong Kwan Kim

11:20 – 11:40 Boosting electrochemical redox signals of contaminant residues in food samples: A smart nano2D-based sensing tool for food safety monitoring

I213 – Prof. Le Anh Tuan

Measurement in InGaN/GaN multi-quantum wells using dark-field electron holography

O149 – Prof. Trinh V. Trung

Low-temperature operable ethylene gas sensors using Ag-decorated ZnO nanoflowers

O84 – Dr. Rawat Jaisutti

11:40 – 12:00 Methods of obtaining graphene flakes from mineral graphite

O59 – Dr. Robert tomala

Batch furnace CVD of pure boron layers on Si and GaN substrates for low leakage current diode fabrication

O85 – Ms. Vu T. T. Huong

Density functional study of NO-H2O coadsorption on Cu (111)

O105 – Mr. Pham Ngoc Thanh

12:00 – 13:30 LUNCH (3rd floor)
A – Advanced materials and functional devices

 Chairs: Prof. Le Anh Tuan & Prof. Paweł Głuchowski

D– Photonics and semiconductor nanophysics

Chairs: Prof. Dolf Timmerman & Dr. Nguyen Duy Hung

C– Micro and nanotechnology and applications

Chairs: Prof. Corrado Di Natale & Prof. Nguyen Cong Tu

13:30 – 13:55 Graphene-based IR-to-THz ultrafast nonlinear photonics

I204 – Prof. Fabian Rotermund

Nanophosphors containing rare earth ions Tb, Eu, Er, Yb and applications

I215 – Prof. Tran Kim Anh

Development of membrane based condenser technology for flue gas moisture control

I201 – Prof. Churl-Hee Cho/Dr Min Zy Kim

13:55 – 14:20 High CO sensing performance of NASICON-based solid electrolyte gas sensors

I53 – Prof. Yasuhiro Shimizu (online)

Rare-earth doped SnO2 nanocrystals for rigid and flexible photonic systems

I67 – Dr. Tran Thi Ngoc Lam

Theoretical study on CO2 hydrogenation over metal catalysts

I87 – Prof. Yoshitada Morikawa

14:20 – 14:40 Molecular adlayer doped graphene

O42 – Dr. Phan Thanh Hai

Assembled porphyrin nanofiber on the surface of g-C3N4 nanomaterials and their enhanced photodegradation for organic dyes

I152 – Dr. Duong Duc La

Ni-Fe oxide electro-catalyst for Oxygen evolution reaction

O90 – Dr. Nguyen Thi Quyen

14:40 – 15:00 Synthesis of green mesoporous silica Xerogel Nanostructure (GRH-silica xerogel) from agro-waste glutinous rice husk

O17 – Dr. Nur Atikah Mohidem

Liquid-solid triboelectric nanogenerator as self-powered sensor for stream flowrate

O155 – Dr. Vu Duy Linh


One-step fabrication and electrochemical operando monitoring for water-splitting artificial leaf

O93 – Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Duc

15:00 – 15:20 Amorphous porous silicate particles (APSP) derived from rice husk agricultural waste as cement board for thermal insulation applications

O118 – Mr. Sean Kenneth E. Manlupig

International perspective of environmental risk governance of nanomaterials

O176 – Prof. Jeneck J Scott-Fordsmand

Booting photoelectrochemical water oxidation of BiVO4 photoanode by decorating Ag3PO4 nanoparticles

O79 – Dr. Le Van Hoang

15:20 – 15:35 Coffee break (Conference corridor)
A – Advanced materials and functional devices

Chairs: Prof. Fabian Rotermund & Dr. Duong Thanh Tung

D– Photonics and semiconductor nanophysics

Chairs: Prof. Yasufumi Fujiwara & Prof. Nguyen Duy Cuong

C– Micro and nanotechnology and applications

Chairs: Prof. Nguyen Duc Hoa & Prof. Kengo Shimanoe

15:35 – 16:00 Surface protective nano-layer enables longcycled and safe rechargeable Lithium batteries

I37 – Prof. Seung-Wan Song

Interface engineering research for efficient and stable planar perovskite solar cells

I33 – Prof. Seulki Song

Manganese tetroxide for NO2 detection

I143 – Prof. J.M. Tulliani (online)

16:00 – 16:25 Achieving high breakdown strength via synergistic phase structure and interfacial multilayer effects for ultrahigh energy-storage performance in dielectric film capacitors.

I48 – Dr. Minh Duc Nguyen (online)

Functionalized parylene based thin films and their potential applications in advanced devices

I63 – Prof. Kyung Jin Lee

Thermal electronic nose: a tool for assessing the quality of food.

I156 – Prof. Matteo Tonezzer (online)

16:25 – 16:45 Tungsten modified Co-free Ni-rich LiNi0.98-Me0.02O2 cathode for high stability Li-ion batteries

O187 – Nguyen Duc Quang

Screen-printing thin film fabrication and electro- chemical performance of a planar electrolyte supported SOFC/SOEC cells

O18 – Prof. Rinlee Butch Cervera

Utilization of Gango, Libona treated mining waste for ceramic glaze self cleaning application

O174 – Prof. Lori-ann I. Cabalo

16:45 – 17:05 Facile and scalable synthesis of Na2Ti6O13 nanorods by molten salt flux route and their Na-battery application as anodes

O106 – Dr. Jung Young Cho

Improving device-to-device reproducibility of light-emitting diodes based on layered halide perovskites

O7 – Dr. Quang-Huy Do

Characterization of red clay and Silica-based ceramic composites by microwave-assisted starch consolidation casting method

O194 – Dr. Liezl M. Jabile

17:05 – 17:25 State of charge estimation battery based on artificial neural network

O50 – Dr. Mohamad Khairi Ishak

  Investigation and characterization of Laotian clay for their potential use in the ceramic industry

O24 – Dr. K.K.D Sengphet

DAY 03 (Friday, November 18th, 2022)

A – Advanced materials and functional devices 

Chairs: Prof. Prof. Yong-Young Noh & Nguyen Duc Hoa

B – Magnetism, topological insulators, and superconductors

Chairs: Prof. Nguyen Huy Dan & Prof. Phan Manh Huong

ONLINE: https://surl.ms/BYh

C– Micro and nanotechnology and applications

Chairs: Prof. Young-Ki Kim & Prof. Chu Manh Hoang

8:30–8:55 Low-power and self-powered environmental sensor assisted by deep-learning technology

I144 – Prof. Inkyu Park

STM investigation on van der Waals topological materials

I51 – Prof. Jungdae Kim

3D and circuit integration of MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems)

I181 – Prof. Masayoshi Esashi (online)

8:55–9:20 Quantum simulation of adsorption of volatile organic compounds on 2D TMD AB2

I108 – Prof. Dinh Van An

Anomalous transport Proterties in a weyl metal

I52 – Prof. Jeehoon Kim

Self-assembled meso-scale components and systems

I92 – Prof. Daniil Karnaushenko

9:20–9:40 IoT smart chemical and gas sensors based on nanocomposites with machine learning

I77 – Prof. Chatchawal Wongchoosuk (online)

Electric field induced modulation to the magnetic anisotropy of microporous Fe-based amorphous materials

I182 – Prof. Do Thi Huong Giang

Electrochemical polishing of tungsten carbide tools

O61 – Mr. Dang Nhat Minh

9:40–10:00 Fabrication of multisensor for gas classification and analysis

I216 – Prof. Nguyen Van Duy

Chiral magnetic field textures in gyroid nanostructures

O46 – Prof. Le Van Lich

The use of modification natural zeolite and bentonite material in environmental applications

O198 – Dr. Wawan Budianta


10:00 – 10:20 Coffee break (Conference corridor)
A – Advanced materials and functional devices

Chairs: Prof. Nguyen Van Quy & Prof. Chu Manh Hoang

B – Magnetism, topological insulators, and superconductors

Chairs: Prof. Le Van Lich & Prof. Jungdae Kim

C– Micro and nanotechnology and applications

Chairs: Prof. Daniil Karnaushenko & Prof. Pham Hung Vuong

10:20–10:45 Self-assembbled sub-nm level carbon shell-encapsulated metal nanoparticles for hydrogen fuel cells

I202 – Prof. Bathinapatla Sravani

One dimensional magnetic nanostructure: tunning pattern to control magnetic properties.

I212 – Prof. Hafsa Khurshid


Design of selective chemical/biological reactions in liquid crystals via chemical selectors

I178 – Prof. Young-Ki Kim

10:45–11:10 Towards atom precise synthesis and engineering with electron microscopes

I142 – Prof. Mark H. Rümmeli (online)

Improvement of spin thermoelectric device efficiency via magnon thermal fins

I14 – Dr. Phuoc Cao Van (inv/Jong-Ryul Jeong)

Fabrication of porous hydroxyapatite scaffold via computer aided process planning-foam replication methods

I1 – Prof. Khairul Anuar Shariff (CANCEL)

11:10–11:30 A newly developed gas pocket enables underwater friction stir processing technique as a solution for offshore industries

O21 – Mr. Soumyabrata Basak

High NTCR performance of manganite thin films at low temperatures

O60 – Dr. Duc Thang Le

Evaluation of physical, mechanical, biological properties and characterization of blended

films of chitosan-cellulose diacetate derived waste cigarette filters

O29 – Dr. Aung Than Htwe (online)

11:30–11:50 Halide-incorporation of ternary bismuth halides perovskite for flexible self-powered and stable photodetectors

O19 – Mr. Van-Hoang Vuong

Induced nonstoichiometric effects of Sb in P-type skutterudite thermoelectrics

O103 – Dr. Woo Hyun Nam

Mechanical, electrochemical and three-point bending corrosion-fatigue properties of direct energy deposited Ti6Al4V for dental applications

O25 – Mr. Nguyen Tien Dung

12:00 – 13:30 LUNCH (3rd floor)
A – Advanced materials and functional devices.

Chairs: Prof. Bathinapatla Sravani & Prof. Nguyen Van Quy

B – Magnetism, topological insulators, and superconductors

Chairs: Prof. Do Thi Huong Giang & Dr. Nguyen Duc Dung

C– Micro and nanotechnology and applications

Chairs: Prof. Young-Ki Kim & Prof. Vu Ngoc Hung

13:30 – 13:55 Development of high-performance halide perovksite transistors I195 – Prof. Yong-Young Noh High coercivity in rare earth-free Mn-Ga-(Al, Cu) ribbons

I140 – Prof. Nguyen Huy Dan

Vibration-driven micro energy harvesting with piezoelectric materials for IoT and SDGs

I62 – Prof. Hiroki Kuwano

13:55 – 14:20 Ultra-high mobility oxide transistors via enhanced electron pathways

I170 – Prof. Kim Hyun Suk

Effect of annealing conditions on properties of FePd nanoparticles

I126 – Prof. Nguyen Hoang Nam

Piezoelectric wurtzite nitride thin films for green, high-performance MEMS applications

I54 – Prof. Le Van Minh (online)

14:20 – 14:40 Introduction to organ on chip technology for predictive toxicology and pharmaceutical science

I99 – Prof. Eric Leclerc (online)

Atomic order, magnetization, and magnetoresistance of Heusler CoMnSb0.9Z0.1
(Z = Al, Bi, Si, Sn) alloysI69 – Prof. Nguyen Phuc Duong
Effects of A-site doping on the properties Lead-free BNKT piezoelectric ceramics

O44 – Dr. Thi Hinh Dinh

14:40 – 15:00 Micro and nanotechnological advances in diabetes management

I55 – Dr. Rabah Boukherroub (online)

Applications of nano-scaled artificial pinning center technology in high temperature superconductors

O203 – Dr. Tran Hai Duc

Study on piezoelectric responses of PVDF-PZT electrospun nanocomposite fibers via nanoscale mapping

O154 – Dr. Van Dang Tran

15:00 – 15:15 Coffee break (Conference corridor)
15:15 – 16:00

POSTER SECTION (Conference corridor 2nd floor)

Chairs: Prof. Dao Xuan Viet, Dr. Duong Thanh Tung

Please check the list of Posters (website)


Room VENUS 2

Chairs: Prof. Nguyen Phuc Duong & Prof. Hiroki Kuwano

16:00 – 16:40 Keynote Speaker 3: Prof. Nora Dempsey (online)

Thin film combinatorial studies of magnetic materials for energy applications

16:40 – 17:20 Keynote Speaker 4: Prof. Maurizio Ferrari

Flexible glass photonics: consolidated systems and enhanced structures

18:30 – 21:30 Closing section & Banquet

(2nd floor)

DAY 04 (Saturday, November 19th, 2022)

8:00 – 18:00

Conference tour (optional)

9:00 – 12:00

Meeting and Discussion about International Collaboration (separate Email)


Address: 55 Quang Trung Street, Nguyen Du Ward, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi